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I am involved as a Chairperson in the "Observatory of ICT certifications in Italian Universities and High Schools". The Observatory, established in the year 2001 by a joint effort of the Italian Computer Society (AICA), the Conference of the Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) and the Consortium of Italian ICT Universities (CINI), aims at analyzing the introduction and the impact of ICT certifications in the Italian education system and to spread good practices. To meet these objectives, the Observatory performs annual monitoring exercises involving all Italian Universities and a sample of High Schools.


  • M. Calzarossa, P. Ciancarini, P. Maresca, L. Mich and N. Scarabottolo. The ECDL Programme in Italian Universities. Computers & Education, vol. 49, n. 2, pp. 514-529, Elsevier, 2007. [pdf 353 Kbytes]
  • M. Calzarossa, P. Ciancarini, P. Maresca, L. Mich and N. Scarabottolo. The ECDL Certification of ICT Usage Skills in the Italian Universities. Proc. of the Twelfth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS2006), pp. 238-243, 2006. [pdf 227 Kbytes]
  • Annual reports published as a supplement of the AICA Journal "Mondo Digitale" (in Italian)